
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2022

The Covid-19 Pandemic Causes an Increase in the Number of Poor People in East Java, Indonesia

PPKM is the government's policy to maintain people’s health by protecting the community from the exposure of Covid-19. This policy is such a dilemma for the community, especially those whose economic conditions are at the lower middle level, moreover for groups of people whose daily lives depend on entrepreneurship and odd jobs/freelancers. The PPKM policy provides a number of benefits, but also cannot be separated from the consequences in the form of unfavorable impacts that are directly accepted by the community. Courtesy of  During the Covid-19 pandemic, the numbers of poverty increased in East Java. Poverty is a complex problem which the Government has so far tried hard to overcome. The poverty rate of depth and severity continues to be reduced. However, the Covid-19 pandemic, which caused the Government to make PSBB and PPKM regulations, made the poverty rate difficult to control. The Central Statistical Bureau Head of East Java revealed that the poor community in

The Covid-19 Pandemic Causes an Increase in the Number of Poor People in East Java, Indonesia

The Covid-19 Pandemic Causes an Increase in the Number of Poor People in East Java, Indonesia  PPKM is the government's policy to maintain people’s health by protecting the community from the exposure of Covid-19. This policy is such a dilemma for the community, especially those whose economic conditions are at the lower middle level, moreover for groups of people whose daily lives depend on entrepreneurship and odd jobs/freelancers. The PPKM policy provides a number of benefits, but also cannot be separated from the consequences in the form of unfavorable impacts that are directly accepted by the community. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the numbers of poverty increased in East Java. Poverty is a complex problem which the Government has so far tried hard to overcome. The poverty rate of depth and severity continues to be reduced. However, the Covid-19 pandemic, which caused the Government to make PSBB and PPKM regulations, made the poverty rate difficult to control. The Central Sta

Democracy and Local Autonomy: Looking Back at The Practice of Local Democracy in The Style of the New Order

Democracy actually looks very complicated, even though democracy remains an ideal that is always fought for. Robert Dahl calls it a theory (process) of democracy. Of course it is noted that the transition of the local-state (central government) to the national-state implies a modification in the democratic process. Therefore, the importance of democracy for each nation state is relative. However, according to the author, democracy is necessary and important to implement in this country, because democracy is a form of government that promises justice. The Founding Fathers, legal and government experts from the beginning chose democracy as a working reference in running the government of the Indonesian nation. Courtesy of  In the existing reality, the implementation of democratic principles does not reach its ideal format. The power holders in this country, apart from those who call themselves democratic regimes, have also suppressed democratic principles. Even democracy is

Democracy and Local Autonomy: Looking Back at The Practice of Local Democracy in The Style of the New Order

Democracy actually looks very complicated, even though democracy remains an ideal that is always fought for. Robert Dahl calls it a theory (process) of democracy. Of course it is noted that the transition of the local-state (central government) to the national-state implies a modification in the democratic process. Therefore, the importance of democracy for each nation state is relative. However, according to the author, democracy is necessary and important to implement in this country, because democracy is a form of government that promises justice. The Founding Fathers, legal and government experts from the beginning chose democracy as a working reference in running the government of the Indonesian nation. In the existing reality, the implementation of democratic principles does not reach its ideal format. The power holders in this country, apart from those who call themselves democratic regimes, have also suppressed democratic principles. Even democracy is messed up its substance wi

The Square (Alun-Alun) and Development of Religious Tourism Objects: Cases in Gresik, East Java, Indonesia

The square was originally (colonial period) designed to be the center of growth and development in a city, and was intended to be the center of social, economic and cultural interaction of the people who are residents of the city and immigrants. The square in its current sense has a broader meaning that it no longer contains the ideology of the ruler's interests but as a public space where people from various walks of life mingle in various activities. Courtesy of  Gresik square, modernized by the government in an attempt to appease the feelings of the lower middle class like stories from the United States and European cities in the late 19th and early 20th centuries where there was a demand from the bourgeoisie to build cities according to their needs. . This bourgeois class is close to the ruling elite. In subsequent developments the city is not only designed to serve the needs of the dominant class but also to absorb the aspirations of the lower classes who want to

The construction of the Mojopahit House Identity based on Cultural Heritage and the Region’s History: Mojokerto-Indonesia

"Mojopahit House"  in Trowulan area was the attribute of Mojopahit Kingdom, created through design language and as a  design object within the space. The urban space of Trowulan is the sample area of this study which  aims to seek iconic reference with the Mojopahit Empire. Trowulan, with all of these characteristics,  has acquired a different identity from other sub-districts, both in Mojokerto and Indonesia. At the centre of Trowulan, there is an identity that once belonged to Mojopahit kingdom. The identity  was embedded in the form of historical buildings, temples, and sites, which now have become cultural  heritage sites and signify the uniqueness of Trowulan identity. Changing building functions in the  Trowulan area were not conducted by the government, except those which were badly damaged like  Brahu Temple.  Source Image: The existence of Mojopahit-styled buildings combined with modern architecture can  be seen of as

Commodification and conversion of pedestrian zone functions by residents of the Surabaya City

According to Lefebvre & Harvey, the concept of the right to the city is suitable to frame the reality   of street vendors’ struggle to gain their right to access public pedestrian spaces. Street vendors uses   the pedestrian zone as an area to place their stalls to sell food and drinks, sell used goods, and more.   In this case, street vendors were unable to fight against the dominant power of the city government.   Therefore, street vendors have become a subordinate class that is unable to participate inclusively in   the political process, especially in planning the pedestrian spaces development. The street vendors’   struggle to gain access to pedestrian zones cannot be achieved through revolution. However, capitalism,  which is embedded in the life of street vendors, is a method for them to get their rights over the city.  Courtesy of The circumstances influenced the government to design a sophisticated pedestrian zone with supporting  facilities, which causes thes

Street Vendors’ Restructuration and the Theory of Right to Cities in Surabaya,Indonesia

Street vendors’ restructuration is highly associated with political means. As a result of  development, the character of cities has constantly changed. Capitalist forces also have been integrated  with city life, which could lead the city to a crisis. The power of capitalism is inevitable, yet, capitalism  has changed the face and existence of urban spaces in Surabaya. This is the concern of Smith and Low  (2006) that, in the era of global economic integration, public spaces at different scales (roads, pedestrian  zones, parks, malls, plazas) always contain tension between involved parties with its conflict of interest  according to the power of each group. Courtesy of In terms of spatial practice and the Theory of Right to Cities, the intensive supervision of pedestrian  zones by security officials can be interpreted as a strategy to protect public space from reinforcing the  concept of a smart city. Nevertheless, the pedestrian zone also contains the concept of public ri

Trends in Public Transportation Development: Case on Congestion without Solution in Surabaya-Indonesia

The city of Surabaya has a strategic position as a center of political economy and cultural activities which causes its people to need comfortable and safe transportation to carry out their activities. With a population of approximately 3.2 million people, the city continues to develop infrastructure to provide convenience for its residents, so it is no wonder that the Surabaya city government immediately realizes the construction of mass public transportation in the form of monorail and tram in 2014 until now. The construction of monorails and trams as a rational option for the increasing use of cars and motorcycles. It is even anticipated that in 2018 the main roads in Surabaya will be filled with private vehicles. Courtesy of Implementation of the fast mass public transportation plan in the city of Surabaya as a structuring system based on rational values, namely: (1) reforming the monorail/tram public transportation system and the culture of using public transportation

The Orientation of Indonesia's Transportation Policies: Neoliberalism in Bus Rapid Transit Discourse In Urban Areas

Harvey's thesis (1989) in The Condition of Postmodernity, urban theory in the tradition of political economy criticism absorbs the analysis of cultural forms in the theory of social formation of space. This approach deals with the position of the city as a shaping force for the daily life of its people and practices that eventually become culture. With the political economy approach, the structural forces that make the city look real and the cultural process also takes place covering various types of identities and also subjectivity, apart from social class, so that the contestation of various subjects with their identities becomes an urban discourse that needs to be studied further. Courtesy of  The contestation in the street space is inseparable from the process of neoliberalism which is actually the realization of international capitalism. The strong current of international capitalism in the wave of globalization has had an impact on the development of world transp

Pedestrian Zones Serve as Spatial and Social Spaces for City Residents

The government’s policy in developing pedestrian zones with various facilities shows that neither the  government nor society has used a spatial perspective to produce public spaces. Soja (2010) analyzes  that public spaces in urban areas should emphasize the spatial perspective. The social aspect of public  space development should be taken into account. There is no public space that is socially neutral. Soja  supplemented the arguments from Lefebvre & Harvey about citizen’s inseparable rights to the city.  Designing public spaces should pay attention to spatial design aspects and the social aspects of those  spaces. Every new public space that is built and repaired has a considerable impact on others’ daily  lives. On the one hand, the installation of chairs and other facilities increases pedestrian convenience yet  reduces the pavement’s substance. Courtesy of The opinion, as mentioned earlier, strengthens the concept of the Right to City by Lefebvre, Harvey,  Soja,

Competition Among Local Government for Construction of Space-Place Identity

No space identity constructs itself, as the space and identity themselves are all constructed through a series of political and historical synthesis about and within a certain region, space, and place. The construction of space/place identity in the globalisation era is not merely conducted for the sake of tourism promotion and offering economic value-added for a region, but it is also to position it as a representative of an existing and inherent space identity. The thickening of globalisation has affected the development of spatially-connected identities in which they were either preserved or overlooked. Contested and preserved identity depends on political, social-cultural, and economic considerations. Identity is constructed based on a space/place’s morphology, such as its historical heritage, cultural heritage, and other inherent uniqueness which becomes the region’s brand. Studies on space identity have attracted experts from various disciplines, such as Political Science, Sociol

The Term of Place Identity and Its Meaning

 The term of place identity has duality in its meaning. In terms of space planning and design, place identity is generally related to the place itself. It refers to the uniqueness of a place as a result of the interaction between physical features and its users. For instance, Stobbelaar & Pedroli (2011) used landscape identity to define the perceived uniqueness of a place. In addition, they asserted that having both personal and social dimensions and uniqueness depends on the interaction between the physical environment and social factors. Sepe (2010) posited about a close connection between urbanisation and globalisation. These two phenomena affect the social, economic, cultural, and physical environment in people’s daily lives. In the context of globalisation, there are unavoidable global concerns about environmental sustainability. It cannot be underestimated, because it is related to many aspects such as water, air, energy, and transportation which fortunately generates attenti

Is Economic Oriented Urban Spatial Planning Needed?

Measuring the welfare level of a country only relying on statistical data from per capita income or Gross National Product (GNP) is a step that is often done. However, these data have never been correlated with data on environmental damage, for example, or data on the health level of residents at a certain age (Priemus, 1999). In fact, if we examine the statement in the previous paragraph, high economic activity will also produce high waste material, which in the end leads to great pressure on the environment and has a negative impact on organisms that inhabit the environment. The bad impact can be in the form of health problems on the human body, the personal implication is that it interferes with work productivity as well as high costs for health care. Meanwhile, the political implication is that the government will be under high budget pressure to finance health services for its citizens. Courtesy of There are problems inherent in urban spatial planning. The issue is re

Civil Society and Decentralisation: Trends in Indonesia

The weakening of civil society as a discourse or movement deserves to be studied more deeply. Because as a discourse it can raise public awareness of the importance of independence, equality, equal rights, and social justice and if placed as a movement, civil society must become a movement that is rooted in the community, carrying out a process of empowerment, strengthening, and community liberation. Courtesy of Political machines such as decentralization, the development of a participatory culture, and critical awareness of community groups are important elements for the progress of this country and nation. Amartya Sen's (1999) opinion: "...the most important thing that happened in the twentieth century was the widespread phenomenon of democracy as a form accepted by many governments in the world..." Sen's opinion is believed by many to be the most likely form to become the basis of a social system that human. In turn, we arrive at a hypothesis: regional

Urban Space in a Marxian Perspective

The development of world cities in the 21st century tends to lead to development as capitalist cities. City spaces are all contested. So that urban space must be arranged efficiently for the benefit of the community, including road space for public transportation needs to be a must. Likewise, the existence of street buildings in urban areas does not always match the image of its public nature. Street space as a public space appears as part of civil society, which at the same time establishes itself as a domain where commodity exchange and social work occur which are regulated by separate rules (Habermas, 2007). At a time when the urban world is characterized by the mode of production of space, the public sphere is a world of domination in which the state, capitalists and the bourgeoisie are in control of that space (Lefebvre, 1991). Courtesy of Urban space is for collective consumption as Castells put it. Urban in the everyday sense is not defined as a production process a

Space is A Social and Political Product

Space is a social and political product and therefore contains political interests (Lefebvre 1991). As a political product, space is the result of strategy that contradicts representation, appreciation, and practices following the socio-cultural model the special interests of groups, and certain social classes’ position. This happens because the capitalist mode of production produces a specific space; the revolutionary strategy must create another mode of generating space, which, according to Lefebvre, can be done by collectively regaining control of the city (Lefebvre 1991) and by taking back and liberating everyday life, which is highly impossible except the non-capitalist mode of production. Not only function as physical infrastructure, but pedestrian space in urban areas also reflects the city’s existence and stakeholders’ conflicts. The situation shows the domination over space that is associated with the social relations of capitalist production. The diverse use of public spaces

Understanding the Initial Idea of Regional Head Elections in ​​Post- the New Order

 The momentum of the Regional Head Election/Pemilihan Kepala daerah (Pilkada/RHE) as a political learning process for the political community in the region can be seen from three things, namely: (1) The direct RHE really demands the readiness of the people to be able to articulate their interests, so that the shape of their political attitude is a reflection of the needs they want realized by the people and their leaders; (2) The people have full sovereignty to define their political choices towards the desired regional head candidate figure correctly and precisely, so that the quality of public participation can be directly accounted for. This independence automatically eliminates the potential for voter mobilization which is only legitimate by some political elites or certain groups; (3). The people are highly demanded for their political maturity. This means that they must be ready to choose and determine regional heads in the Pilkada according to their political choices. Without po

Collective Violence/Social Movement of Student?

Lately, students' moral movement is rare transformed into a political movement, except for gain power. Student violence incident in the city of Makassar-South Sulawesi, has tarnished the world of education student height and existence. Student as part of community life, partisanship students in the interests of society do not use violent and disruptive means public interest. Violent action base students are ethical/moral values and reason, and it becomes a reference in every action the horns. Students have a need to self-actualization, and this manifests itself in the role of social life through his thinking and leadership in activities in the community. Violence run by students can be understood as strategy to win the battle between student/student group by line ethnic and ideological. can't be denied, there is a role from the local political context of the city of Makassar and national against the occurrence of acts of violence and student vandalism. Student violence tends to

Political Policy of Public Transportation Development in Jakarta-Indonesia

Ever since BRT operated on 15th of January 2004 up until nowadays, corridor I has been a corridor that has succeeded in serving the community. But do not turn a blind eye, improvements have been made by BLU in all corridors. BLU has referred to the SPM (Minimum Service Standards) to provide services to the community which has been in effect since April 2010. What is important to understand from the service improvement is that BRT is a form of government rationalization to achieve the ultimate goal of service commodification. SPM is a concept of service order that is oriented to the interests of consumers and is therefore legitimate. For this reason, BLU has the responsibility to manage services by referring to the service order/SPM.[1] Courtesy of The happening contestation between the BRT development arena could be identified by ten kinds of issues: (1) infrastructure development (bus stop, sky walk), (2) lane construction , (3) eviction of regular transport routes; (4) p

Elitist Populist Policy: Looking back at the Transjakarta BRT Development in Jakarta

By the socio-historical BRT management and development, there are certain crucial factors that are determining its success. This can be seen from the technical, legal, economic and social aspects, which constitute the public transportation system. BRT development is inseparable from a feeder network system development to support the success of BRT. The feeder network can be in the form of a public transport network or an access network for pedestrians and cyclists. Based on that intention, the ILC advocacy activities aimed at the governments and society. For the government's side, advocacy is done in the form of technical assistance. The scheme is to invite several experts to provide constructive advice on the planning stages of the BRT system that has been made by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.                                   Courtesy of                                                    The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government also invited a public transportat