The construction of the Mojopahit House Identity based on Cultural Heritage and the Region’s History: Mojokerto-Indonesia

"Mojopahit House"  in Trowulan area was the attribute of Mojopahit Kingdom, created through design language and as a  design object within the space. The urban space of Trowulan is the sample area of this study which  aims to seek iconic reference with the Mojopahit Empire. Trowulan, with all of these characteristics,  has acquired a different identity from other sub-districts, both in Mojokerto and Indonesia. At the centre of Trowulan, there is an identity that once belonged to Mojopahit kingdom. The identity  was embedded in the form of historical buildings, temples, and sites, which now have become cultural  heritage sites and signify the uniqueness of Trowulan identity. Changing building functions in the  Trowulan area were not conducted by the government, except those which were badly damaged like  Brahu Temple. 

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The existence of Mojopahit-styled buildings combined with modern architecture can  be seen of as a new element of urbanism and a requirement to change place identity. A positive, strong space identity and image can be a strong competitive asset and a tool for the city to  use to seize an opportunity in the increasingly global competitive marketplace. The heads of regional  government in the globalisation era are challenged to build an urban identity or city branding to  distinguish their cities from other cities. Urban identity is often used as a brand which makes the city  developed and well-known. According to Lefebvre, space is produced and reproduced as a result  of social, political, and economic struggles. History, traditions, local lifestyles, art, and intangible  elements of cultural heritage shape a certain environment, vernacular architecture, and cultural  landscape. It’s an important point which shapes the collective memory of intangible cultural categories  among people and it is a method of communication for future generations. Lynch (1960) defined  identity as a person’s ability to recognise and/or remember a place distinctive from other places. 

Mojopahit House became an icon and brand which refers to the way that the government and the  community are preserving ancient sites and artefacts in Mojokerto. It can also be interpreted as a  way for the government and society to control Mojokerto’s identity using its past identity, which  was formed way before the independence of Indonesia. Cultural heritage management is regulated  under Local Regulation No.9 Year 2012 in the Spatial Plan of Mojokerto Regency. Year 2012-2032.  There is a dispute between the Preservation Heritage Conservation Body (BPCB) of Trowulan with  a brick company that produces the red bricks used to preserve cultural heritage in Trowulan. In  preserving the cultural heritage, some actors play a significant role, namely BPCB Trowulan, the  Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda), the Department of Youth, Sports, Culture and  Tourism of Mojokerto, and the House of Representative of Mojokerto. Law no. 2 of 1992 on Heritage  Objects, in the Act on Cultural Heritage No. 11 Year 2010 classified Cultural Reservation as Heritage   Buildings, Heritage Buildings, Cultural Heritage Structure, Heritage Sites, and Heritage Areas.  Cultural Heritage Objects in Law No. 11 of 2010 are mentioned as being a natural object and/or  man-made object, whether mobile or immobile, grouped or in parts, with its remnants having a close  relationship with culture and the history of human development. Cultural heritage building refers to  constructed arrangements made of natural or man-made objects to meet the needs of walled and/or  non-walled and roofed rooms.


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