Street Vendors’ Restructuration and the Theory of Right to Cities in Surabaya,Indonesia

Street vendors’ restructuration is highly associated with political means. As a result of  development, the character of cities has constantly changed. Capitalist forces also have been integrated  with city life, which could lead the city to a crisis. The power of capitalism is inevitable, yet, capitalism  has changed the face and existence of urban spaces in Surabaya. This is the concern of Smith and Low  (2006) that, in the era of global economic integration, public spaces at different scales (roads, pedestrian  zones, parks, malls, plazas) always contain tension between involved parties with its conflict of interest  according to the power of each group.
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In terms of spatial practice and the Theory of Right to Cities, the intensive supervision of pedestrian  zones by security officials can be interpreted as a strategy to protect public space from reinforcing the  concept of a smart city. Nevertheless, the pedestrian zone also contains the concept of public rights,  where street vendors are part of an informal economy. With this supervision, the government has created  a space that places street vendors into a subordinated position, which further reinforced the government’s  spatial practice. The government also issued Regional Regulation Number 9 of 2014, which does not  accommodate the urban poor’s needs. The regulation has prevented them from using pedestrian zones as  the government has clarified the smart city arrangement that has changed the function of pedestrianization  into a practice of space codification and application.

As a result of public spaces’ personal and illegal commodification, government officials operate in  exercising their authority. This causes pedestrian zones to switch functions, leading to controversial  and conflictual relations between street vendors and security officials. Government authorities have  restricted people’s accessibility to use public pedestrian zones. The government has also made regulations  imposing access restrictions for specific categories of people who use the public space. Street vendors  use pedestrian zones or roads to earn income and social support and strive for a better life. Therefore, the  government should not intensively supervise the pedestrian zones through the security officials, and they  should instead pay attention to accommodate the life of the community who seek life in this pedestrian  space. Therefore, they are not positioned in a violent public space.


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