
Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2022

Indegenization and Reproduction of Capitalism Knowledge in the Third World

Social sciences in the third world have been occupied by modernization theories since the 20th century. These theories have been claimed universal in nature. Since then, the social scientists have concentrated on producing new products and technologies that have been spread out through text books. The results of various research were assumed to be able to help to free underdeveloped countries, which in the modernization discourse has been called the third world countries. An adequate approach is needed to understand the history of Western social sciences that have been very close to the social sciences tradition since the 19th century, as the antinomy between mothetic-ideographic and universality-particularism concepts. The object of social science analitic, space and time variables have become critical debate, as the dilema in the non-Western countries, between the universality and particular, and nomothetic versus ideographic. Critical social theory has deconstructed the law of capit

Socio History and Political Economy of Development Transjakarta Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in DKI Jakarta, Indonesia

 The central government's political economy policy to generate domestic industry became the main reference in formulation of local public transport policies. The local level public transportation policy maker and planner could not just ignore the automotive sector development. However, the government still has to pay a lot of attention to the impact of automotive industry development policy. Courtesy of The accessibility gap in vertical public transportation is getting wider. From public transportation to individual mode of transportation. The changes of society pattern in choosing the transportation to be used as a result of structural changes of the political economy that occurred during the New Order era, and continues in the current government era. The New Order government had developed a national car project (Mobnas). Beside the Mobnas project, there's also a political economic phenomenon that continues on production and consumption of motor vehicle growth. Th

Pandemic Covid-19 and Public Rejection of PPKM Policy in Surabaya and Gresik, East Java -Indonesia

 The Covid-19 pandemic could be handled by two main policies: Pemberlakuan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat (PPKM)/implementation of restrictions on community activities policies and mass vaccination. It has changed people's daily life. To maintain public health, the government carries out strict supervision, enforcement of behavioral discipline and community activities. This study focused on revealing disciplined policies that are implemented by governments (in Indonesia) to face people rebellion. The PPKM policy's implication has in fact forced people to get used to living abnormal lives.   PPKM Surabaya (CSWS's Photo)  The PPKM policy wasn't fully understood by those two industrial areas resident in East Java (Gresik Regency and Surabaya City). Community action against the PPKM policy was sturdy in both areas. The refusal and resistance to the officers in charge of supervising the implementation of the PPKM policy has sparked social unrest. This reached its peak when t

Carok As Cultural Violence, Is It Possible to be Stopped?

Violence had already become a reality of human experience. Whereas men mostly engage in physical fights, intimidation, and street crimes (Loeber & Stouthamer-Loeber, 1998) compared to women there is growing evidence that some forms of violence are encountered in everyday life. There are various explanations for why disparities in violence persist. Unfortunately, no single theory or perspective can capture all the reasons why certain groups and ethnicities experience more violence than others. Carok os referred to as tradition, it is associated with someone’s way to regain their pride that was underestimated by others, and carok itself considered as an arena or platform to exhibit one’s real and symbolic power at the same time (Aminah, Kinasih, Koesbardiati, 2007). Therefore, up until these days, the inherent comprehension between the Maduranese. From violence perspective, carok is a direct and cultural violence. Carok is a form of unfolded battle carried out by two people who opini

How is Java-Bali Spatial Planning?

There are complex problems as a result of the development that has taken place so far. Spatial planning based on capital development mostly gave an impact on the problems emergence of damage to the social and living environment. This later continues to cause regional inequality and injustice. Such things require attention and integrated handling in various ways that enable policy stakeholders to plan environmentally friendly and fair spatial planning. How to prevent the threat of an ecological crisis? Courtesy of Both Java and Bali Island have their own different characteristics. The characteristics of Bali Province region with local wisdom and culture are concerned in formulating the spatial planning objectives of the province according to the potential, problems, opportunities, challenges, and obstacles faced in spatial planning. Formulation of objectives that take into account the character of the relative area will be more likely to be achieved. Likewise with the chara

Indonesian Transportation Landscape and Platform

Transportation in Indonesia needs to manage policy development and enforcement of laws and regulations that support transportation efficiency, safety, security, and environmental responsibility. These actions and regulations must be in line with: global standards and the latest changes in people's transportation patterns, which demand speed, timeliness, affordable costs, safety and convenience. Hence we look at how existing and future public policies, actions and regulations/policies can be made to respond to the current reality better. Courtesy of  Transportation has to be more than just a motor of the digital economy to harness the power of technology itself. With digital revolutions, transportation needs contemplating particular issues, for instance: efficiency in fuel use is linked to climate change, poverty, health, public safety, and women's empowerment and child protection in transportation. Transport must therefore be more than just a (digital) economic dri

The Contestetation between the Government and the City's Marginalized Groups over the Public Space of Sidewalks: A Case Study of the Surabaya City, East Java, Indonesia

Spatial practices in urban public spaces always manifest a conflict between government and non-government (Nagati & Stryke, 2016). The contrary of interest is growing stronger in metropolitans that are already implementing a liberal-style development model. Sidewalks are equipped with endemic features and this strengthens the identity of public spaces as special spaces, social exclusion, segregation, violence and insecurity (Kruijt & Koonings (eds.), 2009). The rapid escalation and growth of big cities' population has led to urban pathology. The pathology existed in forms of systematic disjuncture between opportunity structure for livelihoods, service provision, security and overall urban planning and regulation. In addition, the space of big cities is also no longer ideal in terms of size and population composition. Over a continuous growing amount of metropolitan population, those will experience cities' pathology. The concentration of the excluded poor segment is in

Digital Platform-Based Online Transportation in Indonesia

There has been such a huge leap of technological development and transformation that has influenced the whole transportation sector around the world. Several countries in Asia, Europe and America have taken strategic policies to regulate online transportation. Transportation is no longer about business but investing over passenger experience. It means that modern transportation issues have challenges to overcome: investing in infrastructure to support quality and capacity, at the same time investing in digital infrastructure to improve the passenger experience. Previously used transportation systems in majority and the one which recently used depends on inventions delivered during the industrial revolution. It's getting abandoned day by day. The adoption of application-based technology in transportation needs to be continuously developed to create prosperity for all. Regulations in the application of transportation technology need to be made not to be politicized or to protect cert

Sustainable Development Goals, Citizens' Spatial Practices in Public Spaces and an Inclusive Jakarta City

Providing public spaces is the focus of Sustainable Development Goals/SDGs number 11. It comes out as a form of international commitment to improve the quality of life from one generation to the next through social development, economic growth, and environmental protection. The crucial point of SDGs No. 11 has inspired positive opportunities for governments around the world to adopt new styles of urban planning to build and develop public space as a principle organizing the shape and well-being of cities. It is hoped that by 2030, there will be universal access to public and green spaces that are safe, inclusive and easily accessible, especially for women and children, the elderly and persons with disabilities/vulnerable people (United Nations, 2015). Courtesy of Public spaces are such an essential asset for cities and their citizens. Public spaces provide many opportunities for many people to gather, interact, and engage with the community. If the public sphere is success

Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic and Cities Public Space Existence in Indonesia

COVID 19 pandemic brings up a multidimensional crisis in the spatial politics body, therefore it’s considered as a captivating matter to study. The post-pandemic public places which have been abandoned by people couldn’t be easily repaired or produced. Those spaces and places radiate obvious contextual effects during COVID-19 pandemic. Public space turns out to be COVID-19 virus transmission and deployment media. Contextual effects operate differently on distinct health indicators. Public spaces such as parks, sidewalks, playgrounds, beaches, malls, plazas are public in terms of access, facilities, and programs. (Courtesy of Ever since COVID-19 Pandemic spread globally, public spaces which were particularly located in urban areas became the source of COVID-19 transmission. Public space previously functioned as a comfortable sightseeing location, relaxing, experiencing a face to face meeting and so on. The social distancing policy is a term to maintain a distance between i

Mainstreaming the Public Space in the Spatial Perspective of Health: General Description in Indonesia

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the production and reproduction of public spaces. Major cities in Indonesia have experienced an economic downturn. The pros and cons of PSBB and PPKM implementation, both in the DKI Jakarta and Surabaya areas have finally become critical issues and dilemmas. This is due to the complexity and problems of public spaces that have not been designed with the pandemic factor in mind. For these two big cities, there is no easy choice to rebuild public spaces that can simultaneously harmonize health and economic aspects. Both aspects play an important role in functioning the public sphere. Courtesy of Break The Glass Production Designing an ideal new public space in a new normal situation is the one that manifests the spirit of the city with its physical form and social structure. In producing post-COVID-19 public space, it should be understood as a flexible space and as an asset. Because public space is the main feature of a resilient city, in which the part

Carok as the Symbol of Masculinity for Madura Ethnic

 For the Maduranese, their values of pride are wrapped in greater and higher values which are ‘shame values.’ These values (pride and shame) are known as the basic values that become the center and references for the Maduraneses to interact and build relationship bonds in their social-cultural life which later developed into the realms of economy and politics. These trends that occurred to begin entering the reformation period, carok and nyelep as an occasion, the incidents that appeared one after another affected the daily life of the Maduranese. Pride, feel of shame, as the source of carok and reproduction that happen from time to time. Feel of shame is the value which is being looked up, maintained, and honored the most. No one should be able to simply interfere with or damage those values either privately or publicly. Thus, by putting a series of socio-cultural characterisation and through policies that build awareness not to practice violence that hides in cultural values into act

PPKM Policy Implementation in Indonesia: Biopolitical Perspective

In Indonesia, there is concern about the policy of implementing Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) to control the transmission of the corona virus in Indonesia, which is very intense and challenging. The whole elements of this discourse are unsettling, positioning people who are considered 'vulnerable' with no exception. The main problem isn't revolving simply around population uncertainty, yet to describe how the conceptual connection between biopolitics and biopower with the policies that have been taken and implemented by the government has an effect on reducing the number of people who died and were infected with Covid-19. Hence, the PSBB policy which later changed to PPKM is actually an idea about the ability of the government and all elements in society to be ready by dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic as a reality after population existence. Courtesy of PPKM is functioned by the government to replace the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) term. T

Pedestrian Zones Serve as Spatial and Social Spaces for City Residents: Case Surabaya City-Indonesia

 The government’s policy in developing pedestrian zones with various facilities shows that neither the government nor society has used a spatial perspective to produce public spaces. Soja (2010) analyzes that public spaces in urban areas should emphasize the spatial perspective. The social aspect of public space development should be taken into account. There is no public space that is socially neutral. Soja supplemented the arguments from Lefebvre & Harvey about citizen’s inseparable rights to the city. Designing public spaces should pay attention to spatial design aspects and the social aspects of those spaces. Every new public space that is built and repaired has a considerable impact on others’ daily lives. On the one hand, the installation of chairs and other facilities increases pedestrian convenience yet reduces the pavement’s substance. (Courtesy of The opinion, as mentioned earlier, strengthens the concept of the Right to City by Lefebvre, Harvey, Soja, and o

Pedestrian Conditions in The City of Surabaya-Indonesia

The existence of pedestrian zones in Surabaya cannot be separated from its historical development as a city of industry, trade, education, government, and culture. It influences the Surabaya Government to continuously protect the pedestrian zones from potential users such as street vendors who appear to affect the urbanization explosion. The Surabaya Government recorded that, in 2017, security officials disciplined 14,883 street vendors and eliminated the rights of street vendors in Surabaya.   (Courtesy of Economic practices carried out by street vendors remove street vendors’ rights over cities. This indicates public spaces are not entirely accessible to fulfill the public interest. In Surabaya, pedestrian zones become a separator between road space for vehicles and pedestrian mobility. Thus, pedestrian zones are equipped with various facilities to support their functions for safety and comfort. Moreover, the pedestrian zones have become a repressive and undemocratic sp

Siti Aminah: Child abuse and neglect in orphanages in EAST JAVA Province (Study on forms of child abuse, anticipatory efforts developed children and the role of the orphanage)

Dr. Siti Aminah MA. is one of the teaching staff at the Department of Politics, FISIP, Universitas Airlangga. This doctoral graduate from the University of Indonesia teaches courses on city politics, political elites, gender and politics, politics and local government. He also wrote books entitled "State Power in the Local Politics" and "Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods in Political Science". Photographer by Natali @Payaman The research study conducted by Sutinah and  Siti Aminah raised the topic of children, namely "Child abuse and neglect in orphanages in EAST JAVA Province (Study on forms of child abuse, anticipatory efforts developed children and the role of the orphanage)". The research examines the forms of violence and neglect experienced by children living in orphanages in East Java Province, the efforts made by children in orphanages in dealing with the acts of violence they experience, and the role of orphanages or Child Welfare Insti

What are Political Science studies for?

We wouldn't imagine if our daily life were formed by politics. Politics is not such a horrible matter, being avoided, even worse considered as a destructive monster which would demolish the whole world. Whereas politics may lead to a whole better circumstance possible. By studying political science, we can figure out why a state owns its certain political institutions such as the legislative, executive, as well as judicial while the other one doesn’t. What and how do those institutions affect the existing politics and policies? Which kind of possible political factors may influence the success of economic development? How do mass media take part, and social media’s impact on political dynamics?   Why do the governments apply their affirmative action policy or the 30% quota of women participation on political representative party regulation? Why do one state prefer the presidential system while others establish their monarch system? Why do governments decide to prescribe a whole pol