How is Java-Bali Spatial Planning?

There are complex problems as a result of the development that has taken place so far. Spatial planning based on capital development mostly gave an impact on the problems emergence of damage to the social and living environment. This later continues to cause regional inequality and injustice. Such things require attention and integrated handling in various ways that enable policy stakeholders to plan environmentally friendly and fair spatial planning. How to prevent the threat of an ecological crisis?

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Both Java and Bali Island have their own different characteristics. The characteristics of Bali Province region with local wisdom and culture are concerned in formulating the spatial planning objectives of the province according to the potential, problems, opportunities, challenges, and obstacles faced in spatial planning. Formulation of objectives that take into account the character of the relative area will be more likely to be achieved. Likewise with the character of the Java region with natural potential that is able to produce spaces for the development of various extractive and non-extractive industries. The potential to explore natural resources has stimulated both local and central governments to construct exploration spaces. Each province/regency/city has a Regional Regulation on RTRW, which is the space for conservation, which is the space for restoration area and so on.

The Java-Bali Spatial Policy is seen from the perspective of spatial politics which pays attention to the practice of politics and government in producing, maintaining, and transforming geographic space into a productive space that pays attention to socio-ecological balance. The starting point of this discussion is that the social and economic production of space is never a mere expression of neutral or technical rationality. Therefore, the offered solutions by this paper is to position inclusive space establishment– emancipatory (involving city society) as the priority. These can all be used to support the 2030 agenda for sustainable development.

Despite the global economic growth and technological progress observed in the last few decades, there are still many social challenges that need to be overcome to enhance human development. The United Nations, that entangles more than 190 member states, has elaborated Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 as a response towards these challenges in the form of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with 169 related specific targets.

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The potential space in supporting the SDGs is much wider. Space-based development is key in understanding climate change, disasters, and their response. Economic development, social development and environmental protection form the three pillars of sustainable development. Politicians, academics, and leaders in business and science are challenged to use this framework to create sustainable, economically effective, and healthy societies in a world of limited resources.

There are socio-spatial problems in Java and Bali Island. In the ecology-politic perspective, the happening spatial violations must be well acknowledged as a problem and as a process of finding solutions by facilitating the transition to sustainability. Offers some reflections on the relationship between place-based development and spatial equity.

Thus, planning sometimes serves to separate and marginalize, limit and exclude as much as it has, paving the way for an enhanced and expanded social life. However, there are possibilities and potential to embrace comprehension, engagement, and intervention in urban space that sees space as a social product, a creation of a particular set of circumstances with written potential in its form for all. Rather than ideological and institutionalized discourse from power that seeks to limit differences by uniforming and standardizing the form and use of a more democratic and holistic approach to public space can be achieved and implemented.


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