Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic and Cities Public Space Existence in Indonesia

COVID 19 pandemic brings up a multidimensional crisis in the spatial politics body, therefore it’s considered as a captivating matter to study. The post-pandemic public places which have been abandoned by people couldn’t be easily repaired or produced. Those spaces and places radiate obvious contextual effects during COVID-19 pandemic. Public space turns out to be COVID-19 virus transmission and deployment media. Contextual effects operate differently on distinct health indicators. Public spaces such as parks, sidewalks, playgrounds, beaches, malls, plazas are public in terms of access, facilities, and programs.

(Courtesy of Freepick.com)

Ever since COVID-19 Pandemic spread globally, public spaces which were particularly located in urban areas became the source of COVID-19 transmission. Public space previously functioned as a comfortable sightseeing location, relaxing, experiencing a face to face meeting and so on. The social distancing policy is a term to maintain a distance between individuals in public places or crowds in order to put the spread of COVID-19 to an end. The Large-Scale Social Restriction Policy (PSBB) and the Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) do not only have an impact on population mobility. But it also placed the public area in an empty circumstance. Those developments of designing public areas with values of safety and comfort for the future society positioned as it’s priorities. The availability of advanced public spaces that adopt people’s ways by action and behavior based on nowadays norm: keeping a distance, wearing masks, washing hands, and not getting involved in crowds. Nevertheless, whether the Covid-19 pandemic exists or not, these public spaces can still be places to gather, recreation and such activities, or daily community spatial practices according to the characteristics and nature of public spaces.

The public space's drastic transformation has happened since COVID-19 pandemic came up. Every individual's bond with streets, office public space, parks, hotels, traditional markets, train stations, terminals, and public facilities and socials have been changed over. In conclusion, PSBB puts every population's spatial life in disruption. For example:  hawkers, street vendors, or traditional market merchants who couldn't run their spatial practice just how it went before the pandemic. Most people are getting unemployed, many are losing their earnings. This is the worst reality of this pandemic, people without exception not only have to adapt to how to use public spaces, how to interact with other publics, but public spaces that are the place of citizens' daily spatial practices also threaten economic resilience, health, security, population safety.

According to the Lefebvrian perspective, each space we live in on our daily basis are products of the current space. In which that space owns a dynamic and living dimension, therefore in case if there is urban space that changes the spatial practice of the population, then to produce space there needs to be a plan that involves competent authorities such as scientists, planners, urbanists, technocrats, and engineers, policy designers (urban policy). The production and reproduction of post-pandemic space can overcome the spatial crisis and the crisis of community spatial practice.


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