
Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2022

The Successful of Surabaya City Governemnt in Implementing the Green City Concept

It's not easy to implement the green city concept in a big city in Surabaya. With the passage of time and the development of green open spaces, the temperature gradually drops to 28-29 degrees Celsius. This green open space continues to be added, until one day, the temperature in Surabaya can reach 22 degrees Celsius. That is the policy target set by the mayor of Surabaya in 2019. The different parks are also the main attraction in Surabaya. The Surabaya City Cleanliness and Green Open Space Service (Dinas Kebersihan dan Ruang Terbuka Hijau/DKRTH) stated that the area of green open space (Ruang Terbuka Hijau) in the capital city of East Java province has now reached 7,356.24 hectares or 21.99 percent of the city area. Courtesy of In Surabaya there are as many as 573 city parks spread over various points which of course can reduce air pollution and lower the temperature in the city of Surabaya. The total area of parks throughout Surabaya until 2020 has reached 1,651.24

KPK's strategic in Fighting Corruption Carried Out by Regional Heads in Indonesia

The KPK puts forward the concept of three approaches in guarding clean elections. First, a repressive approach that aims to create a deterrent effect. Second, a prevention approach by improving government systems and governance so that people cannot be corrupt. Third, the approach to education and public campaigns. This method targets changes in public awareness, so that people do not want to commit corruption. Courtesy of In Indonesia, on September 23th, 2020, there will be 270 simultaneous regional head elections, which include: 9 provinces, 224 regencies, and 37 cities. In total, there are 32 provinces that will carry out the Pilkada. This simultaneous regional election is considered the right time to elect regional heads with integrity and accountability. Rows of corruption cases have ensnared regional heads to former regional heads in Indonesia. Since the Corruption Eradication Commission (Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi/KPK) was formed, 21 governors have been caught in

Corruption Practices in Regional Head Elections in Indonesia Since 2004

The amount of costs that must be paid by candidates for regional heads and candidates for deputy regional heads during regional head elections is suspected to be the cause of many of them being involved in corruption cases. This condition is compounded by the government's neglect of building a transparent and accountable system. There is a relationship between high election costs and corruption involving regional heads and deputy regional heads. So, when elected and in power, they tend to try to return the capital that has been used to win the Pilkada, either by buying voters' votes, providing basic necessities, and paying money to their success team. This caused the regional head to be arrested by the Corruption Eradication Commission (Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi). Courtesy of Acts of corruption with the form and type of not less than seven (7) forms and 30 types of corruption. This is a rule that election organizers and participants should not do. One of these r

The politics of spatial planning in the city of Surabaya-Indonesia

The politics of spatial planning in the city of Surabaya is still far from the spirit of spatial planning as formulated in Law Number 26 of 2007 concerning Spatial Planning, especially paragraph 5 of Article 28, which states that urban spatial planning includes; (a) plans for the provision and utilization of green open space; (b) plan for the provision and utilization of non-green open space; and (c) plans for the provision and utilization of infrastructure and facilities for pedestrian networks, public transportation, informal sector activities, and disaster evacuation rooms, which are needed to carry out the function of the city area as a center for socio-economic services and a center for regional growth. That means, spatial planning has not been fully oriented to the interests of sustainable development. Courtesy of There are problems faced by stakeholders in an area/region. Each region has complex problems related to spatial planning. Every stakeholder has an interest

Economic Oriented Surabaya City in Development Planning

Measuring the welfare level of a country only relying on statistical data from per capita income or Gross National Product (GNP) is a step that is often done. However, these data have never been correlated with data on environmental damage, for example, or data on the health level of residents at a certain age (Priemus, 1999: 219). In fact, if we examine the statement in the previous paragraph, high economic activity will also produce high waste material, which in the end leads to great pressure on the environment and has a negative impact on organisms that inhabit the environment. The bad impact can be in the form of health problems on the human body, the personal implication is that it interferes with work productivity as well as high costs for health care. Meanwhile, the political implication is that the government will be under high budget pressure to finance health services for its citizens. Courtesy of  There are problems inherent in urban spatial planning. The issue

Shifting Land and Space Functions in Surabaya City, East Java-Indonesia

The paradigm of development at the beginning of the millennium can be said to have changed, one of the factors that influenced this shift was the issue of global warming at the end of the decade of the 90s. The issue of global warming itself raises the facts of the destruction of the ecological balance caused by rapid industrialization in almost all corners of the earth. Industrialization in first world countries contributes the highest carbon emissions, while in third world countries they are often blamed for their contribution to clearing tropical forests. Courtesy of  The implementation of the concept of sustainable development is not limited to the big plans of national development, but can be applied on a smaller scale such as sustainable city design, or even sustainable home design. Sustainable development has a goal to create a balance of three elements, namely the ecological, social, and economic environment, or in the context of spatial language often referred to

The Complex Problem of Reproduction of The Green Open Space in The City of Surabaya

The green city as a concept for realizing green open space in Surabaya is expected to be able to create a balance of land use for development in the economic, socio-political, cultural and environmental fields to achieve the goal of establishing green open space in living in Surabaya. The current area of ​​green open space in Surabaya according to data from the Surabaya City Cleanliness and Parks Service (DKP) is in reality only 3,000 hectares compared to the area of ​​the built area, which is still not sufficient for Surabaya, which is 326 thousand hectares. Based on the East Java RTRWP 2005 – 2020, the green open space in Surabaya should have an area of ​​about 6,500 hectares including urban forest. Courtesy of  The portraits of green open space that already exist in Surabaya are urban forests, city parks, city recreation parks. Successively, the green open space covers an urban forest area in Surabaya, in Lakarsantri covering an area of ​​8 hectares, the Wonorejo Nurser

Urban Spatial Planning in Surabaya Tends to be Partial

 There is a serious problem in the distribution of space allocation in the city of Surabaya. The distribution and disparity of Surabaya's urban space is the result of the struggle of the various elements that make up the city of Surabaya in the 1900-1960s. The struggle for space that occurred at that time was caused by the relationship between the poor and the state and private entrepreneurs who faced each other in accessing urban space. The poor who are actually also part of the state entity in every historical period have to deal directly with the state and private entrepreneurs for the same interest, namely the control of urban space. Courtesy of Collusion between the state and private entrepreneurs during the colonial period showed a repressive face in order to exploit resources to the fullest. The poor are the direct victims of this system. Poor people are reproduced continuously and are positioned in non-strategic places such as factory workers, shop assistants,