The Complex Problem of Reproduction of The Green Open Space in The City of Surabaya

The green city as a concept for realizing green open space in Surabaya is expected to be able to create a balance of land use for development in the economic, socio-political, cultural and environmental fields to achieve the goal of establishing green open space in living in Surabaya. The current area of ​​green open space in Surabaya according to data from the Surabaya City Cleanliness and Parks Service (DKP) is in reality only 3,000 hectares compared to the area of ​​the built area, which is still not sufficient for Surabaya, which is 326 thousand hectares. Based on the East Java RTRWP 2005 – 2020, the green open space in Surabaya should have an area of ​​about 6,500 hectares including urban forest.

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The portraits of green open space that already exist in Surabaya are urban forests, city parks, city recreation parks. Successively, the green open space covers an urban forest area in Surabaya, in Lakarsantri covering an area of ​​8 hectares, the Wonorejo Nursery Gardens covering an area of ​​2 hectares and the Wonorejo reservoir covering an area of ​​5 hectares. Urban recreational parks in Surabaya are located at Taman Surya, Taman Bungkul, and Taman Flora Kebun Bibit, while other forms of green open space are city parks and green lanes on the edge or in the middle of main roads, such as Jalan Raya Darmo, as well as green areas in buildings that preserve it.

The realization of green open space in Surabaya, similar to other big cities in Indonesia, is the difficulty of reproducing space for green open space. The general excuse for the difficulty in realizing green open space in Surabaya is the proliferation of slum housing due to the high level of urbanization, the existence of the informal sector which tends to increase, due to the rapid increase in population density, or the importance of other sustainable development goals, so that many green open spaces are converted to other land uses. . In fact, the rate of urbanization development that hinders the development of green open space has been predicted beforehand.

If it is not an excuse for population growth, the city government argues that the limited space for green open space in urban areas is caused by high land prices and the lack of public willingness to participate, and the implementation of laws and regulations that do not pay attention to the importance of green open space for the comfort of people's lives in big cities. This kind of excuse is only to justify that the function of green open space still has complementary meaning for the city, even worse, it is considered a reserve for future land use.

The city government should be more observant and firm and consistent in utilizing spaces that can function as green open space. The Surabaya City Government has tried to organize green open space better than before, one of which was initiated by Mrs. Tri Rismaharini who at that time served as the Head of the Surabaya City Sanitation and Parks Service. He started by reforesting and rearranging green lanes, city recreation parks and city parks in Surabaya which had been neglected for a long time. The reforestation arrangement in Surabaya is still being continued until now by the Surabaya City Sanitation and Parks Service and has succeeded in reforesting most of the green lanes, city parks, city recreation parks and urban forests, so that it has beautified and refreshed the city of Surabaya.

In Surabaya, one of the green open spaces that is quite wide and can act as a city recreation park is the Bratang Nursery Flora Garden with an area of ​​about 45 thousand square meters, located at the end of Jalan Manyar and Jalan Ngagel Jaya Selatan. Currently the Nursery, neatly arranged with a fairly high level of vegetation density, is equipped with city recreation park facilities in the form of a large bird cage, children's playground, fountains, public toilets, parking areas and libraries which are open during holidays. , as well as hotspots. On holidays, this area acts as a community recreation park, especially because the facilities provided are very supportive for the community to chat and relax with family at no cost. The Nursery, which acts as a city recreation park, is very useful and has economic, educational and aesthetic value for the surrounding community, as evidenced by the large number of people who use it for recreation and their families.


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